  • Days left
  • Annual return
  • Investment duration
    24 MONTHS
  • Investors
  • Min/Max investment
    300 / 250.000€
  • Project type:
  • Minimum raised target
    100.000 €
  • Maximum raised target:
    250.000 €
  • Basic annual rate of return:
  • Investment duration:
    24 MONTHS
  • Type of amortization:
    Fixed installment (French-style amortization: capital + interest at each installment)
    For more details, see the section "FINANCIAL DATA"
  • First instalment repayment date:
  • Last repayment date:



The company Edil Power Corporation S.r.l. is requesting a minimum financing of €100.000 (with a maximum of €250.000) to carry out a series of energy efficiency and redevelopment interventions on a historic property located in the center of Rivoli (TO).

The residential building is a historic property located in the center of Rivoli, a municipality that is part of the metropolitan area of Turin. Thanks to the renovation interventions, the building will be completely renovated internally and externally, allowing for the creation of 4 residential units, improving the spaces, structure, and energy consumption, as well as redeveloping the historic area in which it is located. This area is currently undergoing other redevelopment and restoration projects for other historic buildings.

In particular, the interventions will involve:

  • Insulation of the external envelope
  • Replacement of fixtures
  • Modernization of the structure and spaces
  • Replacement and refurbishment of electrical and plumbing systems
  • Partial renovation of the masonry
  • Replacement of boilers
Thanks to the redevelopment and energy efficiency works, it is expected to achieve a two-class improvement in energy efficiency compared to the current situation of the property and its spaces.

Come si ripagaPart of the project section with division of units and related works


The Company will carry out all the necessary work and interventions, which will be repaid thanks to the new leases, managed by a real estate company, partially already started with the new owners of the properties that will allow to recover the expenses and generate margin for Edil Power Corporation.

The crowd loan is a bridge loan to advance part of the liquidity necessary for the Company to carry out the real estate redevelopment and energy efficiency interventions of the historic building in the center of Rivoli.

The works, in addition to allowing a leap of two energy classes thanks to the energy efficiency measures, will also allow the redevelopment of both the historic building and the central district of Rivoli, an adjacent municipality to Turin.



Ener2Crowd provides a first qualitative parameter called "EnerScore+" which is assigned to each investment proposal. This parameter defines a SCORING that objectively, comprehensively, and understandably summarizes all the data that characterize the project from a technical point of view, including an ESG evaluation expressed in CLASSES, and a verification of activated SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals).

A specific Financial Rating called "Integrated EasyScore Expert" is expressed, resulting from the credit analysis carried out by EasyFintech, in which the reliability and creditworthiness of the Project Owner Company are verified. EasyFintech S.r.l. is a company that carries out commercial information dealer activities with License art. 134 TULPS Prefecture of Milan prot. no. 14795/12B15E of 31/01/2020.

In the case of the project proposed by Edil Power Corporation S.r.l., the resulting EnerScore+ is 7.89, so an ENERSCORE+ BB (ESG) is assigned, while the Integrated EasyScore Expert is at level 5 - MODERATE SOLVENCY.


Qualitative Scoring - EnerScore+
Elements analyzed:

  • Clarity of project objectives and comprehensibility of descriptions;
  • Strategic value of the project;
  • Project business plan;
  • Clarity of information;
  • Technical-project verification;
  • Evaluation of the reliability of the project owner's team;
  • History and experience on the Platform of the project owner, and if present, track record of payment punctuality;
  • Consistency of the crowdfunding project with the purposes and mission of the platform, particularly environmental sustainability, innovation, positive impacts on the territory, ethical service offering, and social impact;
  • SDGs activated by the project;
  • ESG report provided by Cerved Rating Agency.


Integrated Score released on 17/10/2024 - confidential and not reproducible

Financial Scoring - Integrated EasyScore Expert

Elements examined for the calculation of the Integrated EasyScore Expert Report - (classes from 1 to 10 with a score of 0 - 100) prepared by EasyFintech S.r.l.:

  • Company structure, actual owners, and reputational analysis;
  • Analysis of key individuals and related companies;
  • Last three filed Financial Statements;
  • Financial scoring (Crif, CriBis, CeBi, Cerved, Dun & Bradstreet);
  • InfoCamere database analysis;
  • Any bad news regarding company owners and administrators;
  • Any detrimental registrations concerning the Project Owner, controlling partners, and company representatives;
  • Statistical methodologies based on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Data Analysis;
  • Commercial reliability scoring;
  • Central Risks Analysis by Banca d'Italia.

NOTE: It is specified that these values represent only a reflection element that an investor can consider in the decision to participate in the financing.


In recent months, the global socio-economic context has led to a significant increase in inflation, which is a prolonged increase in the average level of prices of goods and services. The ECB has therefore predicted an increase in mortgage and financing rates with the aim of preserving consumers' purchasing power. The increase in central rates is a macroeconomic policy to counter inflation: the objective of raising rates is to reduce purchasing power by reducing available liquidity for both individuals and companies, to slow down the economy and prevent a continuous uncontrolled rise in prices. . In June 2024, after 5 years, the ECB made an initial rate cut of 0.25 percentage points, followed by another 0.25 percentage points in September and October, with a continuously revised bearish outlook - following macroeconomic estimates, opening up new scenarios in the financial market.


Just as banks define the interest rate applied to loans, in this case, the interest rate is also tied to the EURIRS index (in the case of a fixed rate) and EURIBOR index (in the case of a variable rate).


The property undergoing energy and real estate redevelopment interventions is located in Rivoli (TO).


EnergRed Logo

Link to website

Edil Power Corporation S.r.l. is a young and dynamic company with years of experience, constantly seeking new ideas and techniques to satisfy its clients. Thanks to its skilled and highly qualified workers and collaborators, it is able to cover a wide variety of jobs with efficiency and professionalism.

It operates in the residential and industrial construction sector in the Turin and Piedmont area, specializing in:

  • New constructions

  • Requalification works

  • Energy efficiency

  • Property maintenance


The analysis of the Company proposed for fundraising is the result of the Report provided by EasyFintech S.r.l. - License art. 134 TULPS Prefecture of Milan prot. n. 14795/12B15E of 31/01/2020 - based on calculators from available databases such as Crif, CriBis, CeBi, Cerved, Dun & Bradstreet, InfoCamere, and other financial scoring tools that combine traditional analysis (economic-financial, trend, reputational) with statistical methodologies based on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Data Analysis.

Edil Power Corporation S.r.l. is a Company based in Caselle Torinese in the Province of Turin, established in 2021 with ATECO code 41.2, having as its primary corporate purpose "construction and renovation of residential and non-residential buildings. [...]".

The company is managed by Alessandro Abbagnale, on whom no negative aspects emerge.

The adopted analysis methodology involves the calculation of a synthetic risk indicator, called the Integrated Easyscore of EasyFintech S.r.l., obtained through a proprietary algorithm that integrates and synthesizes three partial scores (Easyscore Expert, CeBi Score 4, and CR Score). The Integrated Easyscore of EasyFintech places the company in an area corresponding to the judgment of "Moderate Solvency".

Below is a summary of the analyses of the other partial scores:

Cribis D&B Rating: evaluates the financial solvency and commercial reliability of the company through the calculation of the Cribis d&b Rating (Failure score, Delinquency score, Paydex Cribis d&b, negative events). Edil Power Corporation received a Cribis Rating of "3" with a "risk of cessation higher than average".

CeBi Score 4: CeBi analyses provide the calculation of PD – Probability of Default through a certified algorithm, used by Italian banks in internal rating systems. The analysis of the balance sheet as of 31-12-2023 classifies the company in class S4, corresponding to a Solvency situation with a PD of 0.11%. This class includes 20.93% of companies in the residential and non-residential building construction sector.

CR Score: expresses concisely a judgment on the usage methods of the credit lines granted by the banking system, indicated within the Central Risk of the Bank of Italy. The Score related to the Central Risk of the Bank of Italy is calculated over a 12-month period. This parameter is confidential but shows elements of Solvency.

These analyses, summarized in the Integrated Easyscore of EasyFintech, place Edil Power Corporation S.r.l. in an area of "Moderate Solvency".


The Company, having transitioned from Srls to Srl, has consolidated its financial figures since its inception, achieving a continuously growing turnover in 2023, increasing from approximately 1.5 million in 2022 to 4.5 million in 2023, also thanks to benefits in the construction sector featuring the ecobonus. From the projections for 2024, the estimated closing figures will be lower but with interesting margins. The company's project pipeline shows various construction sites, some of which have already been successfully completed, others are ongoing, and some are set to start in 2025-2026.

It is reminded that the above indications are only a reference for making an informed decision based on one's investment propensity abilities, and an analytical evaluation of the available elements is always recommended.


The Financing Agreement is a purpose loan: Edil Power Corporation S.r.l. undertakes to use the funds received from Investors exactly as specified in the Project outlined in the public offer and not to divert them for other purposes.

Energy Efficiency


The expected cost for the realization of the works and redevelopment interventions is approximately €300,000. The minimum target for the fundraising on Ener2Crowd will cover 33% of the Capex, while the maximum target will cover 83% of the total.

The crowdfunding campaign is a bridge loan that serves the Company to advance part of the liquidity needed for the interventions and works, while the remaining part of the sum is covered by the Company's equity.


The amortization plan provides for the repayment of Capital and Interest at each installment. There are two interest-only pre-amortization installments; thereafter, there will be monthly installments of €12.426,74.

The following amortization plan for Edil Power Corporation S.r.l. is calculated with an interest rate of 9,50% for a total of €250.000.

N.B.: The start of the amortization plan becomes effective from the first available date following the release terms; therefore, the table provided is a mere simulation containing the first available date in case the campaign is completed by its deadline.


*before any tax withholdings.


The Relevant Parties, except for the Conflict of Interest Policy Manager and the Crowdfunding Service Provider, who cannot under any circumstances participate in the Crowdfunding Offerings published on the Platform, are authorized to invest in this Crowdfunding Offering on equal terms with all other Investors and without preferential treatment or privileged access to information.

For more information, please consult the policy at the following link



The SDGs - (Sustainable Development Goals) are 17 goals defined by the United Nations in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as a framework for a programmatic strategy "to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all" by 2030.

By financing this project
, you can contribute to support and implement the following SDGs Sustainable Development Goals:

fast fast fast fast fast

Why these SDGs?

• SDG 7 there is a significant energy saving generated by energy efficiency interventions;
• SDG 9 implements resilient structures and infrastructures;
• SDG 11 improves accessible housing and local communities;
• SDG 12 responsible and efficient consumption of available resources;
• SDG 13 mitigates and combats climate change with a relative reduction in GHG emissions.

Become a protagonist of the future and sustainable development by financing this initiative!


Energy efficiency in the residential sector refers to measures and interventions aimed at reducing the energy consumption of existing residential buildings, improving their efficiency in the use of energy resources. The usual interventions carried out to achieve this goal are: thermal insulation; replacement of windows and doors; upgrading heating and cooling systems; efficient lighting; use of efficient technologies and appliances; installation of renewable energy systems; smart energy management and monitoring. Energy efficiency in buildings not only reduces energy costs for owners, but also contributes to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and the improvement of environmental sustainability. In many countries, there are also incentives and government programs to promote energy efficiency in residential buildings. Currently, about 75% of the EU building stock is energy inefficient, which means that a large amount of energy used is wasted. Supporting the energy transition is an important step in improving the building stock and approaching the sustainable development goals by 2030.


The interventions carried out by Edil Power Corporation S.r.l. thanks to the simulations of the APE (Energy Performance Certificate) pre and post involve a reduction in energy consumption of 35,000 kWh per year, which is equivalent to:


Saving 15.050 kg of CO2 in the atmosphere every year


Planting 1.505 trees, an amount that covers an area equivalent to 8 football fields


Avoiding the emissions from the exhaust gases of 11 cars every year

These are the effects and the benefits that can also be generated thanks to your contribution!