  • Days left
  • Annual return
  • Investment duration
    42 MONTHS
  • Investors
  • Min/Max investment
    300 / 120.000€
  • Project type:
  • Minimum raised target
    80.000 €
  • Maximum raised target:
    120.000 €
  • Basic annual rate of return:
  • Investment duration:
    42 MONTHS
  • Type of amortization:
    Fixed installment (French-style amortization: capital + interest at each installment)
    For more details, see the section "FINANCIAL DATA"
  • First instalment repayment date:
  • Last repayment date:


The company PB Invest S.r.l. is requesting a minimum financing of €100,000 (with a maximum of €120,000) to install two rooftop photovoltaic systems with a total capacity of 101.2 kWp. The systems will be installed at two agricultural companies, one located in Cicala and the other in Gimigliano, both in the province of Catanzaro (CZ).



The project is based on a form of contract called "Operating Lease". It is a particular form of rental contract through which a company has the possibility to use an asset, in this specific case a photovoltaic system, for a specified period of time by paying a periodic lease fee. Unlike a financial lease, however, the contract may also include design, installation, and maintenance expenses, as well as insurance coverage. Therefore, operating lease is the ideal solution for SMEs that want to pay for "pay for use" without being concerned about ownership of the asset, achieving immediate savings. It is also an interesting solution for the supplier, who has the possibility to offer their customers access to a practical and fast installment payment plan. At the end of the contract, it is possible to decide whether to replace the equipment with a new product, extend the lease at a reduced price, or purchase the asset itself. In this case, the contracts provide for a lease fee for a duration of 7 years. The company's annual net return on investment (ROI) is expected to be in a range of 8.32% in the most favorable case and 7.93% in the least favorable case.



Ener2Crowd provides an initial qualitative parameter called «EnerScore+», which is assigned to each individual investment proposal. This parameter defines a SCORING that objectively, comprehensively, and understandably summarizes all the data characterizing the project from a technical point of view, including an ESG assessment expressed in CLASSES, and a review of the activated SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) parameters.

A specific Financial Rating called «Easyscore Expert Integrated» is issued, resulting from the credit analysis carried out by EasyFintech, which verifies the reliability and solidity of the creditworthiness of the Company owning the project. EasyFintech S.r.l. is a company that acts as a reseller of commercial information with License art. 134 TULPS Prefecture of Milan prot. n. 14795/12B15E dated 31/01/2020.

In the case of the project proposed by PB Invest S.r.l., the resulting EnerScore+ is 4.63, therefore assigned an ENERSCORE+ CCC, while the Easyscore Expert Integrated is rated 8 - HIGH RISK.


Qualitative Scoring – EnerScore+
Elements considered in the analysis:

  • Clarity of project objectives and comprehensibility of descriptions;
  • Strategic value of the project;
  • Project business plan;
  • Clarity of information;
  • Technical and project validation;
  • Assessment of the integrity of the project owner's team;
  • Historical performance and experience on the Platform of the project owner, including, if applicable, track record of on-time payment of installments;
  • Consistency of the crowdfunding project with the platform’s goals and mission, particularly environmental sustainability, innovation, positive territorial impact, ethics of the offered service, and social impact;
  • SDGs activated by the project;
  • ESG report issued by Cerved Rating Agency.


Integrated Score issued on 11/06/2024 – confidential and non-reproducible

Financial Scoring – Easyscore Expert Integrated

Elements considered for the calculation of the Easyscore Expert Integrated Report – (classes from 1 to 10 with a score of 0 - 100) prepared by EasyFintech S.r.l.:

  • Corporate structure, beneficial owners, and reputational analysis;
  • Analysis of company representatives and affiliated companies;
  • Last three filed financial statements;
  • Financial scores (Crif, CriBis, CeBi, Cerved, Dun & Bradstreet);
  • Analysis of InfoCamere databases;
  • Any bad news regarding company owners and administrators;
  • Any negative records or prejudicial filings concerning the project owner, controlling shareholders, and company executives;
  • Statistical methodologies based on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Data Analysis;
  • Commercial reliability scoring;
  • Analysis of the Bank of Italy’s Central Credit Register.

NOTE: It is specified that these values represent only a consideration element that an investor may take into account when deciding whether to participate in the financing.


In recent months, the global socio-economic context has led to a significant increase in inflation, which is the prolonged increase in the average level of prices for goods and services. The ECB has therefore predicted an increase in mortgage and loan rates with the aim of preserving the purchasing power of consumers. The increase in central rates is a macroeconomic policy to counter inflation: the objective of raising rates is to reduce purchasing power by reducing available liquidity for both individuals and companies, to slow down the economy and prevent a continuous unchecked rise in prices. In June 2024, after 5 years, the ECB made an initial rate cut of 0.25 percentage points based on macroeconomic estimates, opening up new scenarios in the financial market.


Just as banks determine the interest rate applied to loans, in this case, the interest rate is tied to the indices. EURIRS (in the case of fixed rates) and EURIBOR (in the case of variable rates).


The installation of the two photovoltaic systems will be carried out on the roofs of two farms, one located in Cicala and the other in Gimigliano, both in the Province of Catanzaro (CZ).



PB Invest S.r.l. is a company active in the construction sector, specializing in both small and large energy efficiency renovations and redevelopment, where it acts as General Contractor. PB Invest is part of a group of companies linked by majority and minority holdings to the entrepreneur Pierluigi Benemerito:


The company and its group of companies operate in the Green Economy sector, carrying out management activities, direct and indirect interventions in the real estate sector for the redevelopment and energy efficiency of buildings, and in the renewable energy sector.

The analysis of the Company proposed for the funding collection is the result of the Report issued by EasyFintech S.r.l. - License art. 134 TULPS Prefecture of Milan protocol no. 14795/12B15E of 31/01/2020 - based on calculators from available databases such as Crif, CriBis, CeBi, Cerved, Dun & Bradstreet, InfoCamere, and other financial scoring tools that combine traditional analysis (economic-financial, trend, reputational) with statistical methods based on Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, and Data Analysis.

PB Invest S.r.l. is a company headquartered in Milan, established in 2021 with ATECO code 41.1, whose primary corporate purpose is “the development of real estate projects without construction […]”.

The Company has filed three financial statements for 2021, 2022, and 2023, but the analyses below were conducted based on the 2022 financial statement since the 2023 statement was not yet available in the databases at the time of the analyses, as a variable period is required before the latest financial statement is registered in the databases of the main financial reporting systems.

The company is managed by Pierluigi Benemerito and Gennaro Di Fiore, with no previous negative records.

The analysis methodology used includes the calculation of a synthetic risk indicator, called the Easyscore Integrated by EasyFintech S.r.l., obtained through a proprietary algorithm that integrates and synthesizes three partial scores (Easyscore Expert, CeBi Score 4, and CR Score). The Easyscore Integrated by EasyFintech places the company in an area corresponding to the assessment of “High Risk” . Below is a summary of the analyses of the other partial scores:

  • Cribis D&B Rating: assesses the company’s financial solvency and commercial reliability through the calculation of the Cribis D&B Rating (Failure score, Delinquency score, Paydex Cribis D&B, negative events). PB Invest S.r.l. received a Cribis Rating of “3” with a "higher than average risk of closure";
  • CeBi Score 4: The CeBi calculations provide the Probability of Default (PD) calculation through a certified algorithm used in the banking world, as part of scoring models and internal rating systems (so-called Internal Rating Based) used by Italian Credit Institutions. The scores evaluate the company's economic and financial solidity, placed in its current and prospective economic system. The analysis of the balance sheet as of 31-12-2022 under the insolvency risk profile classifies the company in class R3, corresponding to a Vulnerability situation with a PD of 15.48%. This class includes 0.08% of companies in the REAL ESTATE PROJECT DEVELOPMENT sector.
  • CR Score: expresses a synthetic judgment on the usage of the credit lines granted by the banking system, reported to the Central Risk Database of the Bank of Italy. The score related to the Central Risk Database of the Bank of Italy, calculated over a 12-month period. It was not possible to calculate this value because there are no active loans or active credit lines at the time of calculating this parameter.
The above analyses, summarized in the Easyscore Integrated by EasyFintech, place PB Invest S.r.l. in a “High Risk” area.


As mentioned above, the analyses were conducted on the 2022 financial statement, the document currently available in the databases to calculate the evaluation parameters of the partial scores. It should be noted that the Company has filed its 2023 financial statement, and from a review of this document, it can be stated that the data indicate that the Company has recorded a growth in net equity compared to the previous year, showing careful cost management. However, the Company experienced a significant reduction in production value compared to the previous year (€818,208 in 2022), along with an increase in financial expenses. The improvement in EBITDA reflects the company's ability to better manage operating costs despite the decline in revenues. It is therefore recommended to carefully review the available parameters to evaluate the investment and your relative risk tolerance before subscribing.


The Financing Agreement is a purpose loan: PB Invest S.r.l. undertakes to use the funds received from Investors exactly as specified in the Project outlined in the public offer and not to divert them for other purposes.

PB Contract Structure


The estimated cost for the construction of the two photovoltaic plants is approximately €146,000 including VAT. The minimum Target of the fundraising on Ener2Crowd will cover 68% of the Capex, while the Maximum Target will cover 82% of the total.

The crowdfunding campaign is a bridge loan that the company uses to carry out the work and complete the construction of the plants; the remaining portion of the Capex is paid by the final clients to the Company.

The amortization schedule provides for the repayment of Capital and Interest with each installment. Therefore, there will be quarterly installments amounting to € 10,140.75.

The following amortization schedule for PB INVEST S.R.L. is calculated with an interest rate of 11.5% for a total of €120,000.

Note: The start of the amortization schedule begins from the first available date after the release terms have elapsed, therefore the table shown is a mere simulation containing the first available date in the event of the campaign’s successful completion at its expiration.


*al lordo di eventuali ritenute fiscali.


The Relevant Parties, except for the Conflict of Interest Policy Manager and the Crowdfunding Service Provider, who cannot under any circumstances participate in the Crowdfunding Offerings published on the Platform, are authorized to invest in this Crowdfunding Offering on equal terms with all other Investors and without preferential treatment or privileged access to information.

For more information, please consult the policy at the following link



The SDGs - (Sustainable Development Goals) are 17 goals defined by the United Nations in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development as a framework for a programmatic strategy "to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all" by 2030.

By financing this project, you can contribute to supporting and implementing the following SDGs Sustainable Development Goals:

Why these SDGs?

• SDG 3 improving the health conditions of the community through the accessibility of the structure;
• SDG 7 energy savings generated by efficiency interventions;
• SDG 8 creation of new jobs generated by the activity;
• SDG 11 improvement of the building, the neighborhood, and the city community;
• SDG 12 responsible and efficient use of available resources;
• SDG 13 combating and mitigating climate change with related reduction of GHG.

Become a protagonist of the future and sustainable development by financing this initiative!



It is estimated that the photovoltaic system will have a total annual production of 148 MWh per year, which is equivalent to:


Save 64,000 kg of CO2 in the atmosphere every year


Plant 6300,000 trees, enough to cover an area of 280 soccer fields


Avoid the exhaust emissions of 45 cars every year

These are the effects and benefits that can also be generated thanks to your contribution!